Internationale bedrijfsstrategieën

Is het Engels nog steeds de 'lingua franca' van het internet?

Al jarenlang hebben bedrijven voor hun wereldwijde consumenten alleen maar een Engelstalige website. Doen ze het dan al die tijd al verkeerd?

Evan Kramer's avatar
Evan Kramer

04 april 2023


Taal versterkt menselijke interactie en vormt ons dagelijkse leven op een krachtige manier - zowel in de echte wereld als online. Op de wereldmarkt hebben klanten veel meer vertrouwen in en besteden ze veel meer op websites die letterlijk hun voorkeurstaal spreken. 

Yet many major companies are just now beginning to appreciate the vital role language and website translation play for online global customers. Not only does it govern our online conversations and behavior, but it also limits what information we access. 

Klanten hebben veel meer vertrouwen in en besteden veel meer op websites die letterlijk hun voorkeurstaal spreken.

Twenty years ago, researchers determined that about 80% of the Internet’s content was published in English—not surprising, given that the Internet was initially developed in the U.S. and UK, and was rapidly adopted in those countries. 

Tegenwoordig hebben bedrijven meer nodig dan alleen Engelstalige websites als ze effectief internationale klanten willen bereiken. Het internet en de wereld zijn sinds het midden van de jaren 90 radicaal veranderd. Om concurrerend te blijven, moeten bedrijven gelijke tred houden.

The Evolution of Internet Communication  

January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the internet. Since then, a lot has changed. The Internet's expansion into a global communication landscape was expeditious. In 1993, after 10 years of existence, it only communicated 1% of the information flowing through two-way telecommunications networks. That shot up to 51% by 2000, and more than 97% by 2007. 

Here are some of the ways the internet was able to expand into a global communication tool: 

  • Increased availability: As internet infrastructure has improved around the world, more people have gained access to the internet. This has led to an increase in the number of internet users globally. 
  • Growth of social media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and LinkedIn have become increasingly popular globally, providing people with new ways to connect and share information. 
  • Localization of content: The internet has become more global as websites and services have made efforts to localize content for different regions and languages. Website translation and localization have made it easier for people around the world to access information and communicate online. 
  • Expansion of e-commerce: The growth of e-commerce has made it easier for people to buy and sell goods and services across borders. This has created new opportunities for businesses and consumers around the world. 

Though everyone around the world started to use the internet to interact, buy and sell goods, and develop professionally, the issue of language and communication barriers became evident. But if the whole internet were to choose one language, what would it be? 

What Does “Lingua Franca” Mean? 

By definition, a lingua franca is a language used to communicate between groups of people who all speak different languages. It is considered the most efficient way to get information across to multilingual audiences. In the case of the internet, it would be the "most common" language utilized by web creators and businesses. 

Has the Language of the Internet Changed? 

De enorme toename van internettoegang in het afgelopen decennium heeft de online content sterk beïnvloed. The number of Internet users worldwide is around 5 billion, up nearly ~126.24% from the 2.21 billion users reported in 2015. Veel van die groei vindt plaats in opkomende markten, waar het Engels de tweede of derde taal is, als het er al gesproken wordt. 

Between the mid-90s and mid-2000s, English-language content dropped from 80% to about 45% of total online content, with some experts placing it at less than 40%. This trend was fueled by the global adoption of mobile and smartphone technology, and the emergence of social media. Chinese became the second-most common language used online, increasing by a staggering 2,227% since 2000.  

Currently, English still holds the first place slot with 58.8% of Internet use. Russian is in second at 5.3%. Spanish represents a close third, with French trailing right behind in fourth. 

China and India currently lead the world in Internet and social media usage. By 2023, nearly half of China's population will be using social networks. China is geen markt waar het Engels de primaire taal is en in India spreekt bijna 90% van de inwoners geen Engels. 

Studies suggest that about half of all Twitter posts are written in languages other than English—with Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese and Indonesian consumers being most active.

[insert YouTube video:]

How Does Language Impact Business? 

Dit zich voortdurend ontwikkelende taallandschap heeft een enorme impact op de zakelijke online activiteiten over de hele wereld. Uit een enquête van Common Sense Advisory uit 2006 blijkt dat 73% van de respondenten meer geneigd is om in de moedertaal te kopen. Eight years later, the group conducted a larger-scale study. De vraag van consumenten was gestegen met 75%. 

Uit het onderzoek uit 2014 bleek dat bijna 60% van de respondenten ofwel 'meer tijd doorbrengt op sites in de eigen taal dan in het Engels, ofwel Engelstalige URL's boycot.' Bovendien hebben de wereldwijde consumenten zich bereid verklaard meer te betalen voor artikelen als beschrijvende informatie in de taal van hun voorkeur wordt verstrekt. 

By translating and localizing your business’ website to accommodate certain markets, you open yourself up to some great benefits: 

  • Reach a larger audience: By translating their websites into multiple languages, companies can reach a larger audience around the world. This can help them tap into new markets and increase their customer base. 
  • Improve customer experience: Nearly 20% of respondents in a European survey said they never visit websites that aren't available in their language. Translating a website can help provide a better customer experience, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. 
  • Enhance brand perception: A company that takes the time to translate its website into multiple languages shows that it values its customers and is committed to serving a global audience. This can enhance the company's brand perception and reputation. 
  • Gain a competitive advantage: E-commerce companies that translate their websites can gain a competitive advantage over those that don't. By offering a more inclusive and accessible shopping experience, they can attract customers who may not be able to shop on other sites. 
  • Increase revenue: Over 40% of those surveyed in a European study said they never purchase products and services in other languages. Website translation can help minimize bounce rates, improve customer experience, and gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. 

So, is English the Universal Language? 

The takeaway is clear: English hasn’t been the lingua franca of the Internet for many years—and as Internet adoption continues to grow worldwide, content in languages other than English will become increasingly vital for business. 

Om op wereldschaal concurrerend te blijven, moeten bedrijven in elke branche online ervaringen aanbieden in de plaatselijke markt, in de plaatselijke taal en toegankelijk voor lokale consumenten via het apparaat van hun keuze. Website translation is becoming a must for businesses who want to grow and remain relevant. Openstaan voor deze inclusieve 'best practices' en ze toepassen is essentieel om internationaal succes te boeken.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 04 april 2023
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About Evan Kramer

Evan Kramer has over 25 years' experience managing private equity and venture-backed companies focused on digital transformation, marketing, and technology. Mr. Kramer has delivered strong investor returns over four different exits.

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Evan Kramer

Chief Executive Officer