Website localization is unique within the translation industry.

It’s far more complex than traditional document translation, and understanding its nuances often requires a familiarity with uncommon terms and technologies.

If you’re new to website translation, this easy-to-follow primer can jumpstart your knowledge of the topic.

In this e-book, you’ll learn about:

  • The benefits and challenges of several website translation solutions
  • The critical importance of robust content-detection technologies
  • Different types of translation, including transcreation

You’ll also discover the value of human translation and machine translation, and an approach that combines the best of both to ensure linguistic accuracy and reduce costs.

Download this e-book to receive:

  • Insights about Multilingual CMSs and CMS connectors
  • Valuable information about turn-key proxy technology
  • How translation memory helps you save money on translation projects

Remember: It’s best to get smart about technologies and terminology before engaging website translation vendors in sales conversations. This guide can help.

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