
MotionPoint 101: Snelle feiten over onze technologie en oplossing

Kom het fijne te weten over de toonaangevende aanpak van MotionPoint en hoe deze een einde maakt aan het vele gedoe, en veel van de kosten, gemoeid met CX-vertaling.

Jessica Rivera's avatar
Jessica Rivera

06 mei 2020


It’s easy to recognize the value of a localized online customer experience. Maar het goed doen is niet zo eenvoudig.

That's because translating web and digital content demands more effort, people and budget than most companies anticipate. The volume of technical tasks alone can delay an in-house CX translation project for months-or derail it altogether.

MotionPoint offers a translation solution that eliminates the risks associated with these projects, and dramatically lowers costs, too. Our fully turn-key approach localizes websites, online portals and secure login areas—and also offers seamless ways to translate omnichannel content.

Here’s a solid “at a glance” guide on how we reduce effort, cost and time-to-market for our customers.

Onze meerwaarde

MotionPoint supports our customers’ business strategies in multilingual markets. Our hybrid SaaS + services approach combines…

  • Toonaangevende technologie
  • Consultative expertise
  • And world-class complementary services

…to eliminate nearly all the effort required to localize, operate and optimize your multilingual digital customer experience.

What We Do

Detect & Collect Content

  • Our content-detection technology crawls your site, identifying and collecting its translatable content.
  • Admin access to your website or other technology is not required.
  • Our solution does not directly integrate with your technology.
  • We collect all relevant translatable content: text, images, multimedia, dynamic content, text within complex web applications and more.

Translate Content

  • Content is divided into segments to optimize translation speed and cost savings.
  • Segments are stored in a translation memory database for use and ongoing re-use.
  • Translation memory delivers further speed and cost savings: 1) MotionPoint translates a segment only once; 2) You pay for that translation only once; 3) The segment can be re-published an unlimited number of times, across all your channels, at no additional cost to you.
  • You can localize your content with human translation, machine translation, or a combination of both.
  • You own all of your translated content.
  • Translations conform to glossary guidelines that you help create, or we revise them at no cost.

Handle Ongoing Operation & Translation

  • Our technology continually analyzes your website to identify new or updated translatable content.
  • We rapidly translate, review and publish this content.
  • We also oversee all other technical and operational aspects your localized site.
  • Our API and cloud-based support tool enable you to submit content for translation at any time, too.

Optimize the User Experience

  • We apply international SEO best practices to boost rankings in regional search engines.
  • Our sites seamlessly welcome first-time visitors in the languages they are most likely to speak, increasing engagement.
  • Our localized on-site search capability helps generate higher click-through and add-to-cart rates.
  • Additional customizations present culturally-relevant customer experiences, often boosting customer trust and conversion rates.

Offer World-Class Security

  • Our solution perfectly replicates the security of your origin website.
  • We comply with PCI DSS Level 1, HIPAA/HITECH, Privacy Shield, and other privacy and security standards.
  • Our solution masks numbers, such as credit card and other payment information.
  • If your users’ PII/PHI does not need to be translated, it’s within your full control to ensure MotionPoint never receives it.

What Does ‘Turn Key’ Mean?

Managing translated websites for multilingual markets is a lot of work. Onze oplossing handelt dat allemaal voor u af. Dit houdt in:

  • The creation and ongoing updating of your translation glossary and localized style guide
  • The ongoing translation of all relevant content within your project’s scope
  • Providing ongoing technical updates, site hosting and site monitoring
  • Dedicated personnel, fluent in your business and markets, to handle ongoing translation and technical support
  • Ongoing UX optimizations to boost organic discovery and on-site engagement of your localized site
  • 24/7/365 customer support


Multilingual and international customers always prefer to do business with brands that value them. Localizing your CX's powerful and persuasive content tells them you're committed to their market and their needs.

MotionPoint’s solution makes that easy, affordable and practically effortless. There’s no need to hire more employees, no learning curve to master the skills needed for website translation—and no worry about integrating CMSs, platforms or solutions.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 06 mei 2020
Jessica Rivera's avatar

Over Jessica Rivera

Jessica is een expert op het gebied van wereldwijd zakendoen, leidinggeven in de uitvoering en holistisch bouwen aan teams en cultuur als MotionPoint's EVP voor Global Sales en Corporate Affairs. Ze heeft meer dan 15 jaar ervaring in samenwerken met de hoogste functionarissen bij toonaangevende SaaS- en fintech-bedrijven.

Jessica Rivera's avatar
Jessica Rivera

EVP, People & Performance / Chief Legal Officer