Internationale bedrijfsstrategieën

Mobiel: Het winnende ingrediënt om wereldwijd te gaan

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19 november 2015


If your company wants to expand into emerging international markets, it should invest resources in engaging those customers via their mobile devices, writes Charles Whiteman in recent posts at Multichannel Merchant and Global Trade.

Smartphones are the preferred Internet-connected device for many global consumers-and increasingly, it's the only device they have for researching and purchasing products and services. Indeed, m-commerce is outpacing traditional e-commerce by 3-to-1.

Launching localized mobile experiences in international markets is good business, but it's not without its challenges, Whiteman wrote. He shared several challenges, and solutions, in these two articles.

Read more at Multichannel Merchant and Global Trade.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 19 november 2015
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