
Vertaling door mens of machine: Wat is het beste voor het lokaliseren van uw klantenportal?

Lokaliseren van met inloggen beveiligde portals voor ondersteuning en accountbeheer is een 'musthave' voor het bedienen van inkopers in meerdere talen.

Dominic Dithurbide's avatar
Dominic Dithurbide

25 maart 2020


According to CX experts, one of the most effective ways for companies to create profitable, sustainable relationships among multilingual and international buyers is to provide localized customer experiences.

At least 75% of global customers prefer to do business in their native languages, and are far less inclined to make purchases on sites they cannot read. More importantly, buyers won't become satisfied customers-much less long-term ones-if they aren't supported, post-purchase, with a localized customer journey.

Translating your organization’s secure customer account-management portal—and other customer-facing portal content such as support assets—is a critical element to successfully:

  • Generate customer satisfaction among multilingual customers
  • Improve customer retention
  • Increase conversions for upsell and cross-sell opportunities
  • Proactively communicating with customers

However, how well you succeed largely depends on what kind of translation approach you take with your portal. There are two primary approaches: translations provided by humans, or with software (aka machine translation).

Both have advantages and disadvantages, which can impact factors such as accuracy, conversion rates and costs. Laten we het eens van dichtbij bekijken.


Machine translation solutions from companies like Google and Bing have come a long way in the past five years. And breakthroughs in Neural Machine Translation (NMT) software have made machine translation an increasingly viable option for some businesses. This is because:

  • NMT models process information similarly to the human brain
  • This enables them to essentially “learn” new languages
  • NMT software translates content at the sentence level (rather than at a less nuanced word level), delivering more accurate translations

Benefits of Machine Translation

Machine translation offers several advantages, including:

  • More affordable than human translation
  • Hundreds of webpages can be translated almost instantly
  • Using newer NMT solutions, translation quality can improve over time by “teaching” the software with additional content

Challenges of Machine Translation

De nadelen nemen echter snel toe wanneer u onderzoekt hoe machinevertaling nog steeds niet in de buurt komt van hoe mensen eigenlijk met elkaar praten:

  • Provides comparatively simplistic word choice and fluency
  • Software kan vaak geen rekening houden met variaties op regionaal en dialectniveau
  • Gewoonlijk geen redactioneel toezicht voorafgaand aan de publicatie
  • Hidden costs for reviewing and revising subpar translations
  • Improving the accuracy of a NTM solution requires a time- and energy-consuming “teaching” process

Menselijke vertaling

Great vendors provide professional linguists who are fluent in their customers’ industries, brands, languages and cultures of international markets. Studies indicate time and again that human translation generates superior engagement, conversions and credibility among multilingual customers.

Benefits of Human Translation

  • Superieure nauwkeurigheid in vertaling
  • Content kan eenvoudig worden aangepast bij regionale dialect- en uitdrukkingsvoorkeuren
  • Brand-aligned portal translation that captures your company’s messaging and voice
  • Kwaliteit wordt gegarandeerd door toezicht van redacteuren en beoordelingsstappen

Challenges of Human Translation

  • De vereiste taalkundige, creatieve en redactionele expertise zorgt voor hogere kosten dan machinevertaling
  • Requires more time to translate text (though great vendors use optimized workflows to reduce turnaround times to 1 business day)

De hybride optie

Some vendors can combine human and machine translation approaches to mitigate localization costs. In de ideale hybride benadering wordt menselijke vertaling ingezet voor pagina's met veel verkeer waarvoor nuance en de boodschap cruciaal zijn. Machinevertaling kan dan worden gebruikt voor content die minder merkgevoelig is en waarbij de woordkeuze ondergeschikt is.

Benefits of the Hybrid Option

  • Menselijke vertalers kunnen merkgevoelige, zeer zichtbare content lokaliseren
  • Nauwkeurige, consistente merkboodschappen op veelbezochte pagina's door menselijke vertalers
  • Een ideaal kostenbesparend compromis ten opzichte van alleen menselijke vertaling

Challenges of the Hybrid Option

  • Translation quality may vary from human and machine sources, but delivers dramatically higher accuracy than machine translation only
  • Human-translated sections are reviewed for accuracy, but machine translations may not


As you explore portal translation solutions, look for a partner that can help you achieve success through a translation process that is, ideally, invisible to the reader.

Dat betekent dat u een technologie en een turnkey-oplossing moet vinden die net zo 'lenig' en flexibel zijn als uw behoeften.

These solutions can provide world-class human and machine translation options for your multilingual portal, and accommodate unique requests—such as using the hybrid approach on specific webpages, or within specific sections of webpages—to deliver superior results while controlling costs.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 25 maart 2020
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Over Dominic Dithurbide

Dominic Dithurbide is een creatieve, doelgerichte marketingdirecteur die zijn carrière in dienst heeft gesteld van de vertaalbranche. Dominic versterkt het marketingteam van MotionPoint met bekwaamheid in wereldwijde marketing, vraagontwikkeling en marktintroductiestrategieën.

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Dominic Dithurbide

Marketing Manager